I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who took a chance on me back when I started and no one new how their pics would turn out, but just trusted my ability...Thank you so very much...
This gratefulness comes after Sunday's shoot because Tera was one of my first paid clients...She's great...warm and bubbly and one helluva reporter too...you should see her in Tornado Coverage...You can see her in action on WFLD-TV at www.myfoxchicago.com 5 days a week and sometimes more...
She asked me if I'd take her headshots a while back...and then my apartment was broken into and my gear was stolen, so I had to postpone...She was kind enough to wait for me to replenish my gear before we rescheduled...That was cool because she could've taken her business elsewhere. So my assistant Sandi and I went Tera's house, moved some furniture around in order to capture this great image.

I'd like to thank Sandi for her help
and Sean of Next Level Photography for his editing work...
until next time...